
Discover the Permanent Solution That Has Helped over 12,000 Stroke Patients Treat Stroke, Partial Stroke & High Blood Pressure Naturally!

Hi There!

You are about to DISCOVER the SECRET to PERMANENT freedom from STROKE 

Are You Struggling With Any Of These Stroke Symptoms?

  1. Inability to move your body parts.
  2. Numbness/weakness in the face, arm, or leg.
  3. Trouble speaking or difficulty understanding.
  4. Trouble seeing in one or both eyes/Blurry Vision.
  5. Sudden trouble walking, loss of balance, or lack of coordination.

Or any other type of symptoms?

Then You Don’t Have To Be Worried About Stroke Anymore!

You're About To Find Out Exactly What You Need To Do to BE FREE From Stroke & it's Symptoms! 


Stroke Patients Cured


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Testimonial Story

Read about Alice Nwosu's Diabetes Recovery story.  Understand how she recovered from Diabetes PERMANENTLY.


First, Understand What Causes Stroke:

Stroke happens when blood flow to a part of your brain is cut off. Without the oxygen in blood, brain cells start dying within minutes. 

  • Ischemic Stroke: The immune system attacks and destroys cells in the pancreas.
  • Hemorrhagic Stroke: When the blood vessel in your brain balloons up and burst, or a weakened one leaks. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can also lead to this type of stroke.

Some Dangers of Stroke:

  1. Paralysis or loss of muscle movement.
  2. Memory loss or thinking difficulties.
  3. Loss Of Vision
  4. Brain infections.
  5. Embarrassing Seizures & Epilepsy.
  6. Death


YOU Should be VERY HAPPY to have encountered this remedy as You're about to join the endless list of people have have been able to get their permanent freedom from STROKE & High Blood Pressure!..

Regardless of how severe your Stroke or High Blood Pressure Is, YOU are about to discover a proven solution that has helped over 12,000 Stroke patients overcome their condition without risking being stuck in a Wheelchair, Surgery, Amputation or Injections.

JUST IMAGINE being finally free from pains, discomfort and stress that comes with suffering from Stroke…

Kemi FolarinStroke Recovery Testimony

Read through the Testimony of Another Stroke Survivor; What Advise she has for You...And Get Hope For Yourself!

Kemi Folarin, 59, says she’s finally beginning to feel like herself again. She recently returned to her job working with children who have special needs, and she’s growing a support group of people in her community who’ve been diagnosed with Stroke.

Kemi’s life was turned upside down in October 2016 when she was called back after her regular Checkup. She had always noticed some symptoms like Numbness of her hands & Legs, significant weight loss, blurry visions, and excessive fatigue. Her tests results found that her blood pressure has been very high unknowingly to her; It was about 130/80m/Hg. This tends to be a very severe case of Stroke. “I used several drugs prescribed at the hospital and people but most of the drugs failed” she narrates…

Kemi says her experience with Stroke has made her stronger. “I couldn’t be too weak because my family relied on me emotionally. My husband took it the hardest. He’s a police officer, stoic and strong. “We’ve been married 28 years and he’s shown more emotion than I’ve ever seen.”

I had almost given up before i came across a particular “very intriguing” Capsule; CARDIOKARE CAPSULES. I decided to give it a try and then i got it shortly after; that was the turning point for my condition!.

I started using the Capsules alongside the  FREE Therapy Ems Massager, FREE Brain & Heart Care Patch, FREE Physiotherapy Massage Gun that came with It Natural Capsules for free & a very comprehensive Nutritional Diet Guide sent to me.

Honestly i really didn’t care what the supplements are or where they are from, I just wanted help, so I used them accordingly with the directives suggested and on the 3rd week, I went from 130/80 to 110/70mm/Hg And Stroke Started reversing to my greatest awe. After the completion of the treatment by the 3rd Month, I continued with the home remedy, and from 2019 till date, I have been feeding normally like everybody else. After I saw these changes in 2019, I told a couple of my friends about it, they used it and have gotten very good results. I’m happy i’ve been able to impact good in the lives of people who are suffering from Stroke by referring this Remedy” she narrates…

Kemi says helping the people in her support group by providing meals and answering their questions helps her forget about her own problems. “The thing that gives me power and strength is my deep desire to help others,” she said. “It makes me feel more in control. It gives me a purpose in life. I forget about being scared.”

“A lot of things happened to me in my life. I’ve always been afraid; always worried for my husband. Now I’m not as anxious. I’ve tackled the beast. I wasted too much energy being afraid. I’ve tackled Stroke – I can tackle anything.”

Now i would love to share with everyone the medication that helped me gain freedom from Stroke.

In Nigeria alone, more than 100 thousand cases per year (Nigeria) is discovered.People with these developmental delays have trouble with communication. They have trouble understanding what other people think and feel. This makes it hard for them to express themselves, either with words or through gestures, facial expressions, and touch.

People with autism might have problems with learning. Their skills might develop unevenly. For example, they could have trouble communicating but be unusually good at art, music, math, or memory. Because of this, they might do especially well on tests of analysis or problem-solving.


Dr. Charles Stephen,

VA Neurologist, Medical Doctor.

Dr. Charles Stephen

VA Neurologist, Medical Doctor.

“…Stroke & High Blood Pressure is one of the leading causes of death in the world. As of 2016, Nigeria has the highest number of people with stroke with over 39 million, Stroke being the main cause of paralysis, and sometimes Death; I have been recommending This Permanent Remedy to my patients for about 3years. It helps dissolve clots that causes artery blocking thereby allowing the enough blood flow to the brain and through the body by itself and in turn start reversing the stroke.”

This Remedy helps stimulate your arteries and enhance blood flow through the body NATURALLY thereby lowering your blood pressure and permanently eradicating your STROKE without any side effect.


Florence​ - MD, Medical Consultant

“This Ultimate Diabetes Remedy takes a Natural Approach in the treatment of Diabetes, It has documented effects on Diabetes & High Blood Sugar. It also improves all aspects of the patient's condition, putting an end to constant pains on their path to recovering.”


Ella Johnson - Health Consultant

“Backed by research, this Ultimate Diabetes Remedy contains thoughtful, easy-to-follow usage that any individual suffering from Diabetes can implement on to PERMANENTLY REVERSE their condition.

You're about to be amongst the few who knows how to Reverse Stroke Permanently!



The Ultimate Stroke & Cardiovascular Remedy!

Have in Mind You Just Found A Permanent Solution to STROKE.

This Ultimate Remedy SUPPORTS you on your journey to optimal health,  approach and heal in a way that’s right for YOU.


What do you get in this product?

CARDIO-KARE CAPSULES is a New Natural solution to TREAT STROKE & PARTIAL STROKE PERMANENTLY… Once and for all. Infused with all necessary constituents to lower, balance & regulate Blood Pressure.

CARDIO-KARE CAPSULES  Reverse Stroke by opening up the arteries that has been narrowed by plaque and improving the brain cells.

CARDIO-KARE CAPSULES is a natural antioxidant, which also improve immunity (flavonoids has a function to provide energy in the body), promote tissue regeneration (anti-infective).

The Cardio-kare Capsules Is Also Accompanied For FREE With:

1) Heart & Brain Omega Patch

1) Analgesic Pain Relieving Massaging Cream!

2) An Advanced Ems Therapy Massager!

3) Physiotherapy Massage Gun Kit!

✓ Reverses Stroke, Partial Stroke & Regulates Blood Pressure PERMANENTLY.

✓ Controlling the bleeding and reducing the pressure in the brain caused by Blockage.

✓ It helps dissolve clots that causes artery blocking which leads to stroke.

✓ Helps circulate blood to extremities thereby taking care of Numbness and tingling sensations in the legs and hands that are caused by stroke.

✓ Eradicates Stroke, Partial Stroke Permanently Without Side Effects.

✓ It is also great For People with High Blood Pressure, Reduces the risk of Hypertension. 

Watch Now:

Dr. Arjunn. MD, Cardiologist.

STROKE Remedy Recommendation

And much more! But above all else...

CARDIO-KARE CAPSULES gives you the opportunity to free yourself from Stroke once & for all!

You Could be Free From Stroke in less than 3Months If You Start Today!

This Product Is For You, If:

  1. If you are struggling with painful Stroke Symptoms.
  2.  If you are tired of spending soo much on insulin shots and medicines and want to start living life without being held back.
  3.  Feeling Stuck and don’t know where to begin treating your condition.
  4. Tired of feeling frustrated and hopeless  each time you leave a doctor’s appointment.
  5.  Ready to take advantage of thousands of hours from health professionals and medical doctors.

Accompanied With The Cardiokare Capsules, You Also Get For Free!:

1) Omega-3 Heart & Brain Patch.

Omega-3 promotes the proliferation and maturation of brain cells, Omega 3s helps lower blood pressure & cholesterol levels. These characteristics helps reduce the effect of stroke and improve stroke recovery & outcome.

Accompanied With The Cardiokare Capsules, You Also Get For Free!:

1) Analgesic Pain Relieving Massaging Cream!

The Massaging Cream is a proven decades old herbal formulation that contains a strong herbal combination. Infused with key active ingredients like: Black seed which deals with pain effectively, Cloves provide a soothing effect on the nerves. The Massaging Cream formulation is best suited to assist the patient regain limb movement and nerve functions.

2) TENS Low-Frequency Ems Pulse & Nerve Massager

The gadget is works by alleviating and reviving the weak, numb & paralyzed muscles and nerves. It works by stimulating and improving blood circulation through your body, arteries & muscles thereby helping your nerves cells and stop the numbness naturally and CURES the Stroke PERMANENTLY! 

Available Only In Limited Quantities (Terms applies)...

3) Physiotherapy Massage Gun Kit!

The Physiotherapy Massage Gun therapy is a specialized gadget therapy kit that helps to increases blood flow and circulation, which is greatly beneficial for stroke patients. Improved circulation will help to bring vital nutrients and oxygen to the affected areas of the body, promoting healing and curing the stroke also reducing the risk of further damage. It also helps to reduce swelling and inflammation, leading to a quicker recovery.

Available Only In Limited Quantities (Terms applies)...

4) Access To A Specially Curated Expert Diet & Nutritional Guide

You Could be STROKE Free in less than 3Months If You Start Today!


LIMITED QUANTITIES Certain Terms Applies...


Stroke Patients Cured


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Healing Plans


Get Started Now!

Choose Your Package

We have flexible pricing to match your needs and budget


{most popular}


P.S: Each Bottle of Rheubeat Capsules Contains 60 Capsules and Spans A Duration Of 1 Month.

  • 1 BOTTLE TREATMENT Dose (1 Bottle Of CardioKare Capsules + 1 Free Brain & Heart Patch) @ 30,000 35,000
  • 2 BOTTLES TREATMENT Dose (2 Bottles Of CardioKare Capsules + 1 Free Brain & Heart  Patch + 1 Free Ems Massager) @ 50,000   65,000 
  • 3 BOTTLES TREATMENT Dose (3 Bottles Of CardioKare Capsules + 2 Free Brain & Heart  Patches + 1 Free Ems Massager) @ 70,000   85,000 

(Minimum Recommended Treatment Dose)

  • 5 BOTTLES COMPLETE TREATMENT Dose (5 Bottles Of CardioKare Capsules + 3 Free Brain & Heart  Patches + 1 Free Ems Massager + 1 Free Physiotherapy Massage Gun Kit) @ 130,000   145,000 

(Recommended Treatment Dose For Severe Cases)


Be Free From Stroke in less than 3Months!

Get The Omega3 Brain & heart Patch For Free!

Get The Nerve & Muscle Massager For Free! (On 2 & 3 Bottles Only, Limited Quantities..)

Get A Physiotherapy Massager Gun Kit For Free (On 5 or More Bottles Order, Limited Quantity..)

Payment Made On Delivery Regardless Of Your Location!

Communicate With  Experts. Anytime, Anywhere!

Remember, Your Problem is curable only if you take action Now!

For More Inquiries, Contact The Number 08162709679 Or ORDER NOW


John // Cross River

The CardioKare Capsules saved my life! My stroke was getting worse. And it seemed like my previous stroke medication wasn’t doing anything. My neuropathy was the worst part. I always had a painful tingling in my hands – it made everyday life so difficult! I knew I had to make a change. That’s when I found the CardioKare Capsules. I followed the dosage, and all of a sudden my stroke disappeared, and I had the energy I needed again. I went back to my doctor a few weeks later, and he was shocked at how healthy I was.

Jashoa // Abuja

My daughter purchased your product for me. When I saw the title. I was told by my doctor that my stroke was age-related, irreversible and I needed surgery. Nevertheless i had faith and I used your product and started to follow your guidelines because I had nothing to lose. And to my biggest surprise my condition has improved a lot. Last raining season I couldn't walk because of my stroke. This time around I was able to travel all the way to Abuja on holiday with my daughter! Thank you for your great supplements.

Adaiba // PH

I’ve had stroke for years. I was constantly worried about my legs and how i couldn’t walk. No matter what I did, I couldn’t get my stroke under control. I felt trapped, and I felt like a burden on my family. But then I used the CardioKare Capsules to reverse my stroke, and now my family can barely keep up with me. I’m walking again, attending parties and doing the things I love. Your supplement gave me a life back. Thank you for saving my life!

Wunmi // Lagos

Well, let me start by telling you that the CardioKare Capsules saved my life. I was diagnosed with Partial Stroke like you already know, and I spent Millions to ensure I don’t have to die of pain. I even had to travel to India for treatment and i didn't get any result. But since I got your product, I have been feeling a lot better. Although I thought it wouldn’t work after one week of usage because I didn’t see any changes. The second week was like a miracle! I am free from STROKE & Pains. I am now able to go about my business without feeling any pain. Thanks a lot for introducing me to this great opportunity


These People love CardioKare Capsules

Here's What They Have To Say:

More Testimonies From Customers Who Have Gotten Their Permanent Cure From Stroke!:

Average Treatment Time It Took Patients To Get Permanent Cure Using RB Capsules:

(Out Of 100% Of Total Customers)

1 Bottle (1 month) Treatment Dose: 5%


2 Bottles (2 months) Treatment Dose: 25%


3 Bottles (3 months) Treatment Dose: 40%


4 Bottles + (4 months+) Treatment Dose: 30%


Let’s get started!



Here are some common asked questions…

No it doesn’t have side effects, they are manufactured from Pure Organic Nutrients.

You’ll start noticing changes within your 2nd – 3rd Week Of consistently following the instructions.

CARDIOKARE CAPSULES was manufactured in the United State Of America And It has then been sold in various countries around the globe, including Nigeria. 

Payment is made on delivery, Delivery takes between 24 to 72 hours, but on very rare occasions, it takes longer 72 hours. The delivery is also free as you’re paying no extra charges regardless of your location.

Dr. Taylor’s study showed that within 90 days, every participant has reversed their disease. Around half reversed their Stroke at 60 days. The fastest recorded was 48 days. So depending on factors like your genetics, the severity of your disease, and how committed you are to the supplement, most people will be free from Stroke between 70 and 90 days

Don't Let Stroke Steal The... 

 Best Years of Your Life

Before I sign off, I really want you to think for a moment about your future and your family.

What will happen if you don’t make any changes? What will happen if you let Stroke destroy your life? You’ll try medicine after medicine, with no results except dangerous side effects. Not to mention all the vacations, new cars, and other luxuries you won’t be able to afford because you’re spending all your money on your Stroke medication.

CARDIOKARE CAPSULES Medication looks simple…but it’s also one of the most powerful solutions to Stroke and all related disease in the country today. Albert Einstein once said; “Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.” That’s exactly what CARDIOKARE CAPSULES has done for you.

Remember the Ailment you face everyday and There’s No Price For Good Health

That is why you need to hurry and use these medication to Eliminate Stroke ONCE AND FOR ALL

Follow the instruction below to order for your CARDIOKARE CAPSULES pack and enjoy our massive promo discount

This Ultimate STROKE Remedy Will Fast Track Your Healing Journey Only If You Take Action Now!


{most popular}


P.S: Each Bottle of Rheubeat Capsules Contains 60 Capsules and Spans A Duration Of 1 Month.

  • 1 BOTTLE TREATMENT Dose (1 Bottle Of CardioKare Capsules + 1 Free Brain & Heart Patch) @ 30,000 35,000
  • 2 BOTTLES TREATMENT Dose (2 Bottles Of CardioKare Capsules + 1 Free Brain & Heart  Patch + 1 Free Ems Massager) @ 50,000   65,000 
  • 3 BOTTLES TREATMENT Dose (3 Bottles Of CardioKare Capsules + 2 Free Brain & Heart  Patches + 1 Free Ems Massager) @ 70,000   85,000 

(Minimum Recommended Treatment Dose)

  • 5 BOTTLES COMPLETE TREATMENT Dose (5 Bottles Of CardioKare Capsules + 3 Free Brain & Heart  Patches + 1 Free Ems Massager + 1 Free Physiotherapy Massage Gun Kit) @ 130,000   145,000 

(Recommended Treatment Dose For Severe Cases)


Be Free From Stroke in less than 3Months!

Get The Omega3 Brain & heart Patch For Free!

Get The Nerve & Muscle Massager For Free! (On 2 & 3 Bottles Only, Limited Quantities..)

Get A Physiotherapy Massager Gun Kit For Free (On 5 or More Bottles Order, Limited Quantity..)

Payment Made On Delivery Regardless Of Your Location!

Communicate With  Experts. Anytime, Anywhere!

Remember, Your Problem is curable only if you take action Now!

For More Inquiries, Contact The Number 08162709679 Or ORDER NOW 

Meet Some Of The Expert Team

Incredible Medical Experts Who have spent months researching how to end STROKE, now handing over this information to you.


Dr. Albert Willson

MD, Neurologist
Getting this Product is the best decision you'll ever make.

Morgan Norman

A Wealth of change in one product

Elizabeth Taylor

MD, Neurologists
You'll feel empowered to take charge of your health in a compassionate, intuitive way

Lane Adiba

The Cardiokare Capsules helps you make changes that are right for you and your health