Read through the Testimony of Another Stroke Survivor and What Advise she has for You...And Get Hope For Yourself!
Kemi Folarin, 59, says she’s finally beginning to feel like herself again. She recently returned to her job working with children who have special needs, and she’s growing a support group of people in her community who’ve been diagnosed with Stroke.
Kemi’s life was turned upside down in October 2016 when she was called back after her regular Checkup. She had always noticed some symptoms like Numbness of her hands & Legs, significant weight loss, blurry visions, and excessive fatigue. Her tests results found that her blood pressure has been very high unknowingly to her; It was about 130/80m/Hg. This tends to be a very severe case of Stroke. “I used several drugs prescribed at the hospital and people but most of the drugs failed” she narrates…
Kemi says her experience with Stroke has made her stronger. “I couldn’t be too weak because my family relied on me emotionally. My husband took it the hardest. He’s a police officer, stoic and strong. “We’ve been married 28 years and he’s shown more emotion than I’ve ever seen.”
I had almost given up before i came across a particular “very intriguing” Capsule; CARDIOKARE CAPSULES. I decided to give it a try and then i got it shortly after; that was the turning point for my condition!.
I started using the Capsules alongside the FREE Therapy Ems Massager, FREE Brain & Heart Care Patch, FREE Physiotherapy Massage Gun that came with It Natural Capsules for free & a very comprehensive Nutritional Diet Guide sent to me.
Honestly i really didn’t care what the supplements are or where they are from, I just wanted help, so I used them accordingly with the directives suggested and on the 3rd week, I went from 130/80 to 110/70mm/Hg And Stroke Started reversing to my greatest awe. After the completion of the treatment by the 3rd Month, I continued with the home remedy, and from 2019 till date, I have been feeding normally like everybody else. After I saw these changes in 2019, I told a couple of my friends about it, they used it and have gotten very good results. I’m happy i’ve been able to impact good in the lives of people who are suffering from Stroke by referring this Remedy” she narrates…
Kemi says helping the people in her support group by providing meals and answering their questions helps her forget about her own problems. “The thing that gives me power and strength is my deep desire to help others,” she said. “It makes me feel more in control. It gives me a purpose in life. I forget about being scared.”
“A lot of things happened to me in my life. I’ve always been afraid; always worried for my husband. Now I’m not as anxious. I’ve tackled the beast. I wasted too much energy being afraid. I’ve tackled Stroke – I can tackle anything.”
Now i would love to share with everyone the medication that helped me gain freedom from Stroke.

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